Concrete Ready-Mix Episodes

June 1, 2023

EP #049 - Unveiling Concrete Innovators

Curious about the one of the government's driving force behind groundbreaking innovations in the construction industry? Join Seth as he engages in a riveting conversation with Joseph King, an esteemed authority on sustainabl...
April 20, 2023

EP #045: EPA NOx Out Concrete

In this episode of the Concrete Logic Podcast, host Seth sits down with Peter Paone, Director of Engineering at ZAP Engineering, to discuss the cement manufacturing process, regulations surrounding NOx emissions, and technolo...
Guest: Peter Paone
April 13, 2023

EP #044 - Concrete & Type IL Cement: No Turning Back

Are you looking to use Type I/II cement in your next project? If so, good luck to you! Rich Szecsy from Alamo Concrete Products is back on the show to provide insight into how Type IL cement has rapidly gained a dominant posi...
Guest: Rich Szecsy
March 9, 2023

EP #041 - Typical Concrete Vapor Barrier Detail Defies Science

Are we detailing the placement of vapor barrier in the typical slab-on-ground design all wrong? When moisture develops on a concrete surface, where is it coming from? Below the surface or above? Bob Higgins, a concrete and wa...
Sept. 22, 2022

EP #022: Adding Fiber to Your Concrete Diet

Over the last couple of years, what decades-old technology did the concrete industry routinely turn to when wire mesh became unavailable and too expensive? Synthetic Fibers. In this episode of the Concrete Logic Podcast, we s...
Sept. 8, 2022

EP #020 - Ain't Nothin' More Sustainable than Concrete

What (or who) is preventing concrete from being more sustainable (i.e. environmentally friendly)? On this week's episode of the Concrete Logic Podcast, I sat down with Rich Szecsy from Alamo Concrete Products Company and he s...
Guest: Rich Szecsy
June 9, 2022

EP #009: Concrete Gets Hydrophobic

In this episode of the Concrete Logic podcast, we brought on Brent Rollins and Scott DiLoreto from Spray-Lock to discuss colloidal silica. If you are like most folks, you probably never heard of colloidal silica (CS). It is a...
May 26, 2022

EP #007 - Concrete Cylinders Are So Immature

In this episode of Concrete Logic, we welcome Mark Chase of RPX Technologies to the show. Mark is an expert on concrete sensors. These sensors are used to monitor the strength and temperature of in-place concrete. Traditional...
Guest: Mark Chase
May 5, 2022

EP #004 - Look Ma! Concrete with No Cracks!

In this episode of Concrete Logic Podcast, we welcome Jason Adams CEO of MEGASLAB. I found Jason and his company when researching jointless slab-on-grades for a project. If you Google "jointless concrete slabs," you'll find M...
Guest: Jason Adams
April 28, 2022

EP #003 - Concrete with a Twist of Lime(stone)

On today's episode of Concrete Logic, we welcome Stephanie Hampton to the show. Stephanie is a Senior Technical Sales Engineer with Lehigh Hanson, one of the largest producers of cement in the world. Lehigh Hanson is pursuing...