Concrete Logic Podcast: Building Knowledge and Pouring Wisdom, One Episode at a Time
June 23, 2024

Understanding Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models

Understanding Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Imagine you’re playing a game of chess with a computer. You’re thinking hard, planning your next move, but the computer seems to respond almost instantly, countering your moves with precision. This is a simple example of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In layman’s terms, AI is a branch of computer science that aims to create machines that mimic human intelligence. Just like how humans learn from experience, AI systems learn from data, and they can become better over time. They can recognize patterns, learn from mistakes, make decisions, and even predict future outcomes based on past data.

What is a Large Language Model?

Now, let’s talk about Large Language Models. These are a type of AI that have been trained to understand and generate human-like text. Imagine having a conversation with a friend via text messages. Now, imagine having that same conversation with a computer, and the computer responds just like a human would. That’s what a large language model can do!

These models are “large” because they are trained on vast amounts of data, often billions or even trillions of words from the internet. This extensive training allows them to generate human-like text that can be incredibly diverse and creative.

Why Do AI Computers Use More Energy?

You might wonder, “If AI is just a computer program, why does it use more energy than traditional computers?” The answer lies in the complexity of AI systems.

Think of it this way: reading a book uses more energy than staring at a blank wall because your brain has to process the information in the book. Similarly, AI systems must process vast amounts of data, which requires a lot of computational power and energy.

Moreover, training these AI models involves running computations on thousands, if not millions, of examples. Each of these computations requires energy, and when you add them all up, the total energy usage can be quite significant.

In conclusion, AI and large language models are powerful tools that can mimic human intelligence and generate human-like text. However, their complexity and the vast amounts of data they process mean they can use more energy than traditional computers. As we continue to develop and use these technologies, it’s important to consider their environmental impact and look for ways to make them more energy-efficient.