Federal Incentives and Policy Drivers for Type IL Cement During 2019–2024, multiple federal actions incentivized the cement industry’s shift to Type IL (Portland-Limestone Cement). Congressional legislation explicitly promoted lower-car…
When faced with the decision between Roman concrete and today's blended cement concrete, one might lean towards the ancient marvel of Roman concrete. Despite the advancements in modern concrete technology, Roman concrete continues to captiva…
Plastic along the beaches of Santa Monica Bay | California Ocean Protection Council In a recent article, Doomberg discusses ExxonMobil's advanced plastic recycling efforts at their Baytown facility, where discarded materials are transformed into va…
Vogtle 4 - Georgia Power Henry Ford famously said, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” This idea of standardization to reduce costs isn't just for cars; it can work for nuclear power too…
California's Clean Air Initiatives California has long been at the forefront of environmental regulation, leveraging a unique waiver granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Clean Air Act. This waiver allows California…
As a premium subscriber of Doomberg and host of the Concrete Logic Podcast, I’m enthusiastic to share insights from the latest article, “Storage Units,” which delves into the critical examination of our current approach to rene…
The Global Water Footprint Water is everywhere, yet it's the commodity we most take for granted. From the ice caps to tropical rainforests, water is the heartbeat of our planet. But how much do we use and what does that mean for the future? Let's …
Plant Vogtle | southernnuclear.com At the Concrete Logic Podcast, we've always advocated for nuclear energy as the practical, common-sense solution to meet the world's skyrocketing energy demands. Whether it's fueling the enormous appetite …
Three Mile Island March 28, 1979 | AFP/Getty Images As the global debate on AI continues, questions linger: Will it eliminate jobs? Boost productivity? Discover cancer cures? Regardless of the answers, AI's rise is driving a potential revi…
In today’s fast-paced industrial landscape, the transformation of the British steel industry provides a compelling case study with significant implications for the U.S. cement industry. By understanding the forces driving these changes, indust…